Monday, May 3, 2010

Malinda & Lan's wedding ~ a sneak peek

Mally and Lan have been together for awhile now... just a tad close to 9 years AND they finally got married on the 2 May 2010!

For those who are friends with Mally, you would find phrases like "Oh my god... yeah's going off..." which Mally uses alot. And for those who know Lan, you'd prob all know him as a gentle person with a killer smile. I often describe him as the 'asian Vin Diesel'. In Mally eyes, he's the asian Ian Thorpe (more on that when I write up a full account)...funny that, Ian Thorpe announced a possible comeback this morning! I used to call Lan 'muscles'...(no prizes for guessing why). Anyway, it's not fair, cos Lan not only has the muscles, he's also very easy to shoot (as is Mally) and comes from a family where all his siblings are good looking!

Anyways, this is just a short teaser..... I should have more in the next day or so! Well done to Marissa for the co-emceeing of the wedding along with the talented Wayne (you guys should do this professionally) and also to my precious, Ella.

Congratulations again, Mally and Lan!


hello ditty... said...

hehe, mally's school photo! we want more dext... 30 secs is soooo short, such a tease!

Jill said...

more pics, more pics!

Shahed said...

The teaser looks great Dex! Good work buddy. Waiting for more pics...

:o )